Lunchroom Promotion: National Puzzle Day

school nutrition associationWe want to help you increase participation in your cafeterias this year, and one way to market your child nutrition program is with awareness weeks and months and promotional days, like National Puzzle Day, which is January 29, 2015. The School Nutrition Association’s Promotional Calendar is full of great ideas – here are just some of them that will help Puzzle Day generate buzz for your cafeteria:

  • Bring puzzles for the cafeteria tables or at special stations for kids to try
  • Give menu items fun names like Jigsaw Juice and Puzzle Pitas
  • Put stickers underneath some of the lunch trays and give the winning students games or puzzles as a prize. You can even see if a local arcade will provide free passes or tokens as prizes as well.
  • Have kids guess the number of treats or food items in a jar.

You can also take advantage of free printable puzzles online! Print them for every student that goes through your lunchline. For more promotional ideas, check out the SNA Promotional Calendar and sign up for our e-newsletters.
