Graham’s Best Practices: Inventory, Menus and Production

Cafeteria Analysis Software

Hi, I’m Graham! I’m Meals Plus.

I want to make sure you get the most out of your cafeteria management software system. So if you’re a Meals Plus Inventory or Menus & Production customer, check out these “Best Practice” tips to help keep your lunchlines moving!

• Run Transaction Summary preview while Physicals are still open so that changes can be made prior to posting.
• Assign Blanket PO Invoices to their own batch so the Close PO checkboxes are more easily used for single PO Invoices.
• Physicals cannot be reopened once they are closed. Consider restricting rights to ‘Save Only’ for users keying Physicals.

Menus & Production:
• Save time creating Cycle Menus by using the Duplicate feature to copy an existing, then give it another Nutritional Standard.
• Using Reimbursable Meals in a Cycle Menu saves time since they contain all required food components for a Nutritional Standard.
• Update Inventory Usage automatically from Production Records by linking Menus Ingredients to Inventory Items.
