Meals Plus Customer Support Goes Above and Beyond

Meals Plus Customers know first-hand that our Technical Account Specialists are not only friendly, but knowledgeable. Our “first call resolution” percentage is always 90% or above, which means 9 out of 10 times you call our Help Desk, your question is answered immediately and you don’t have to wait for a call back. In the off-chance that they don’t know the answer to your question, they find the answer in a timely manner so you can get back to what’s important – feeding children!

school cafeteria software supportOur Help Desk staff is also known for going “above and beyond” the call of duty, such as Dolly did last month when Marilyn Enyart, Food Services Supervisor at Bloom-Carroll Local School District in Carroll, Ohio, called in to the Help Desk. Marilyn had a question about our Free and Reduced management software that Dolly was able to assist her with quickly, but when a concern about the district’s interpretation of the eligibility chart arose, Marilyn was ready to contact the Ohio Department of Education herself. But after she and Dolly hung up, Dolly did a little investigative work of her own, found the issue and called Marilyn back immediately with a solution. In a support call follow-up survey, Marilyn noted, “[Dolly] was great!… I am glad that she  was caring enough to look further into my situation after I hung up.”

For more on our Help Desk, including customer support statistics and our Service Level Agreement, click here!
