Meals Plus Will Attend the ANC

It’s that time of year again! Meal Plus will be attending the SNA Annual National Conference in Kansas City this July.

A lot of exciting news has occurred since last year’s conference. For a second consecutive year, Meals Plus was voted as one of District Administration Magazine’s Top 100 Products in 2012. The company also released its first Point of Sale enhancement request survey in order to evaluate what customers wanted most from our services.

Finally, Meals Plus is excited to present the recently enhanced online payment system for parents at this year’s Annual Conference. Updates to the website include increase payment capabilities for school districts and parents, 24/7 secure access for parents to view all of their children’s meal history, and management tools to set low balance notifications when an account goes below an amount predetermined by parents. Automatic text messages and e-mail alerts are also now available for participating districts.

Our team will be at booth number 532, so be sure to stop by if you are attending the conference! Also, check us out on Facebook to see our collection of our conference photos.

Meals Plus is looking forward to visiting Kansas City this summer to showcase all of our company’s new and improved features for the SNA community!
