SNEW Feature: 9th Grade Cafeteria Staff at Northgate High School

In honor of School Nutrition Employee Week (May 7-11, 2012), we would like to highlight the cafeteria staff at the 9th grade building at Northgate High School in Newnan, Georgia!

According to the 9th Grade Counselor at Northgate High School, Erin Bass, the 9th grade building’s cafeteria staff at more than deserve a special spotlight for School Nutrition Employee Week! Connie McIntyre greets everyone with a smile and Linda Boswell is always very kind to everyone. Terri Schmitt makes a very good menu for their students and Vanessa Wilkins knows most of the kids by name! Thank you, ladies, for all your hard work in serving the 9th grade students at Northgate High!

Want to acknowledge members of your lunchroom staff? Email us and we will share their story!
