Would You Eat Them In a Wrap for National School Breakfast Week?

This week is National School Breakfast Week!

We are so excited to share a few of the recipes that where featured in the 2015 Meals Plus Child Nutrition Cookbook, which you can download here. The cookbook also featured management and software tips and 50+ school meal recipes submitted by Meals Plus Customers across the country. Try this tasty wrap in your cafeterias today!

Green Eggs and HamSchool_Breakfast

11 lb. 4 oz. pasteurized whole eggs, frozen (USDA Material #100046)
9 lb. IQF frozen chopped spinach (USDA Material #110392)
9 lb. 7 oz. turkey ham, diced, lower sodium
3 lb. 2 oz. shredded cheddar cheese, RF/RS (USDA Material #100012)
3 tbsp. salt-free garlic and herb seasoning
3 tsp. salt
2 tsp. black ground pepper
100 pieces whole grain rich wraps
1 oz. pan sprayCafeteria_breakfast

1. Pull garlic and herb seasoning mix and pan spray. Place at
2. Pull 4 full shallow steam table pans and place at workstation.
Spray lightly with pan spray.
3. Pull eggs, spinach, turkey ham and cheese from cooler and
place at workstation.
4. Empty eggs into a large mixing bowl. Whisk eggs well. Whisk
in all seasonings.
5. Open spinach and drain well. Add to eggs. Whisk well to incorporate spinach with the eggs. CCP: Prepare foods at room temperature in two hours or less. TOTAL time of food at room temperature shall not exceed four hours.
6. Sprinkle diced ham into the steam table pans, using 2 lb. 5 3/4 oz. per pan.
7. Pour green eggs into steam table pans on top of ham.
8. Top with shredded cheese, using 12.5 oz. per pan.
9. Cover eggs and place in preheated 325°F convection or combi oven. Bake for 10 minutes, whisk eggs. Bake for an additional 5 minutes or until an internal temperature of 155°F is reached. CCP: Heat until an internal temperature of 155°F is reached for 15 seconds.
10. To assemble use #1 boats.
11. Place 1 wrap in boat.
12. Place 1/2 c. green eggs and ham on top using #8 disher.
13. Wrap in a foil sheet and place in warmer.

Nutritional_valuesNutrients per serving:
Calories – 310
Chol. (mg) – 205
Sodium (mg) – 630
Fiber (gm) – 4
Iron (mg) – 3
Calc. (mg) – 258
Vit. A (IU) – 3358
Vit. C (mg) – 1
Protein (gm) – 22
Carb (gm) – 29
Tot. Fat (gm) – 12
Sat. Fat (gm) – 4
Sugars (gm) – 1*
Trans. Fat (gm) – 0.000*
